You can also extend the functionality using docklets, also available on the website. The best place to find these is the Rocket Dock’s official website. It also has themes and the internet is full of them, the dock being so popular. The animations are so smooth with Rocket Dock that it often feels like an integrated part of the system. I’d suggest not changing a lot in the icon settings though since the default animation and zoom settings are quite ideal. You can also adjust the quality of icons depending on your hardware. These include the ability to change individual icons, change the position of the dock, place it behind open windows or on top of them, etc. It does still have some of the basic features you might want in your dock. It makes Rocket Dock one of the simplest docks available for Windows.
But there’s a good side to this apparent lack of features.
To be honest, it could use some more features. The development of Rocket Dock seemingly ceased years ago and there are no new features added. Rocket dock has been one of the most popular dock options for Windows.